Some of the articles and papers published in the field of Ozone Therapy are listed below.

In case you wish to share any articles/papers with us, kindly do so by sending an email to us along with the necessary rights and compliances to reproduce the same on our website.

Sr Title Author Format
1 Scientific and Medical Aspects of Ozone Therapy : State of the Art Dr. Velio Bocci
2 International Journal on Ozone TherapySafety of Topical Oleozon in the Treatmentof Tinea Pedis Phase IV Clinical Trial Dr. Silvia Menendez and others
3 Total Clinical and Radiological Resolution of Acute, Massive Lumbar Disc Prolapse by
Ozonucleolysis: The First Indian Case Report from 2005
Dr. Vijay Sheel Kumar
4 Intraforaminal O2-O3: Randomized controlled trial Dr. Matteo Bonetti and others
5 Ozone Nucleolysis for Management of Pain and Disability in Prolapsed Lumber Intervertebral Disc Dr. Gautam Das and others
6 Intradiscal injection of Oxygen -Ozone and intraforaminal steroid for the treatment of prolapsed intervertebral disc: 4 years follow up Dr. Asmita Karnalkar, Dr. Pratap Karnalkar

Ozone Forum of India


Image 04
119th Training Programme
Successfully complete at Mumbai on 14, 15, 16 Dec 2024...
Image 05
Annual Conference 2025
to be held in Mumbai on 7, 8, 9 Feb 2025...
Image 04Madrid Declaration:
Mar 13, 2013: We sign the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy...
Image 04New Feature Launch
14 Jan 2012: Statewise Clickable Map for list of Practising Doctors...