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 Frequently Asked Questions:
  Q1: How is Ozone Therapy different from Oxygen Therapy?
A1: Ozone is active oxygen. It is present in nature in very small amounts. Oxygen can be inhaled whereas Ozone must not be inhaled. Ozone is given as insufflations (introduction of gas by a small catheter) in rectum/vagina or ear; can be injected in saline drip; can be injected in and around joints, below the skin and applied as Ozonated Oil. Ozone does two things at tissue level: Oxygenation and Oxidation. Thus, it is more powerful than simple Oxygen.
  Q2: It must be a new therapy, as I have not heard much about it.
A2: No, it is not a new therapy. Ozone was discovered in Germany by a chemist Christian Friedrich Schonbein in 1840. It is in practice in Europe for over a century. It was used extensively to treat war wounds during World War II. Machines made with special Ozone resistant materials - like Plastic, Silica, Teflon giving exact concentration of Ozone, were invented in 1950s.
  Q3: How come my doctor has not suggested this therapy to me?
A3: Ozone Therapy is a relatively newer concept for English speaking world, as most work done in this field is in European languages. It is used in Germany for over a hundred years. Ozone Therapy is not taught in medical schools. A doctor trained in allopathy medicine asks for reports of double-blind, multi-centric clinical trials; to prove its medical efficacy. This costs a lot of money. Unfortunately, as this natural molecule cannot be patented; no pharma or other companies are funding such trials. Therefore the doctors become skeptical about this new treatment modality. That is the reason your doctor has not recommended it to you.
  Q4: What are the points in favor and against Ozone Therapy?
A4: Ozone Therapy, given properly and responsibly by a trained medical practitioner; for the correct indication, is very safe and effective. However, like any other medical treatment, it is not a ‘cure all’. It is especially useful in all types of infections. There are a few conditions like G6PD deficiency, active bleeding, Ozone allergy (very rare) where Ozone must be avoided. If one comes across some detoxification reaction during Ozone Therapy, therapy should not be stopped as the detoxification reaction usually disappears on its own in a day or two. Also, abruptly stopping the ongoing treatment or modifying the dosage without doctor’s knowledge can be harmful. Self use of Ozone in very high concentrations (above therapeutic limit) or prolonged treatment without doctor’s supervision may backfire.
  Q5: In which conditions is Ozone Therapy recommended?
A5: Ozone Therapy is very useful in open leg ulcers, burns, bed-sores, arterial circulatory disorders, diseases of small and large intestines, age-related diseases, rheumatism, arthritis, cancer, chronic eczema, psoriasis, viral diseases like herpes, hepatitis, flu etc.
  Q6: How is Ozone given, as it should not be inhaled?
A6: Giving Ozone for treatment was a challenge. Medication in gaseous form is unusual therefore special application techniques have been devised for the safe use of ozone. Ozone is highly reactive substance therefore only Ozone resistant items are used. In any form of Ozone therapy, inhaling Ozone gas is forbidden as the respiratory epithelium is very sensitive to it. Ozone can be administered externally as well as internally. External applications are very useful in localized or generalized skin conditions.

External/Local Application:
• Ozonated water
• Ozonated Oil
• Bagging/cupping
• Ozonated sauna

Internal/Systemic applications:
• Rectal Insufflation (passing a small pvc catheter into the rectum and giving Ozone)
• Vaginal Insufflation
• Ear Insufflation
• Major Autohemotherapy (Ozonating patient’s blood outside the body and reinjecting it into his vein)
• Minor Autohemotherapy
• Subcutaneous / intramascular / periarticular / intra-articular / intradiscal injections
• Intravenous Ozonated Saline

  Q7: What are the contraindications?
A7: G6PD deficiency, active bleeding from any site, pregnancy, active hyperthyroidism.
  Q8: If it is so useful how come I have never heard about it?
A8: Four main reasons:

1. Politics: Ozone can not be patented as it is a natural substance. Machines are relatively inexpensive. Its raw material, Oxygen, is very cheap and freely available. Not much money can be made. This simple to use and inexpensive therapy can make a lot of well-established, very expensive & highly toxic drugs unnecessary / obsolete. So, there is a strong opposition and negative propaganda by a very powerful pharma lobby.

2. Smog component: Ozone is always found near smog, especially in big cities where automobile exhaust is in alarmingly high quantities. Under the action of UV light on various elements contained in smog, Ozone is formed in presence of Oxygen. As Ozone is easy to analyze, it is used to indicate smog intensity. The Ozone concentration is subsequently used as an indicator for pollution giving it a bad name. Many people wrongly believe Ozone to be its cause and not one of its by-products. It is wrongly publicized as - "How can a component of smog be good for health?"

3. Administration difficulty: Ozone is tremendously active and seeks to combine with all other substances (except glass, Teflon, Kynar, silicone and gold). Therefore it was very difficult to administer. Also, it is in gaseous form rather than regular pills or potions. So, its administration requires more imagination. With invention of PVCs, silicon tubings and new delivery systems, its application is now quite a simple job.

4. Technical difficulties: Ozonators are UV light ozonators, plasma type ozonators or corona discharge ozonators. The Corona-discharge Ozonator gives precise concentration of Ozone. By changing the current or the oxygen flow, Ozone concentration can be precisely modified. In last few years it became possible to study the dose-effect relationship and standardize the Ozone dose for a number of diseases.

  Q9: Tell me more about Ozonated Oil?
A9: This is the only Ozone application where Ozone can be applied for upto 1 year after it is prepared.

Ozonated Oil is prepared by bubbling Ozone through any vegetable oil. It is a viscous oil with characteristic odor. It has very powerful antimicrobial, anti- inflammatory & wound healing activity. It is stable for 6 months at room temperature and one year in a refrigerator.

Ozonated Oil is useful in following conditions:
Non-healing ulcers and wounds, Bed sores, Diabetic foot, Intractable fistulas, First and second degree burns, Cuts, Scars, etc. In skin conditions like Acne, Pyodermas, Tinea versicolar, Candidiasis, Athlete’s foot, Genital warts, Herpes simplex, Herpes zoster, Nail mycosis, etc.

  Q10: Is Ozone Safe?
A10: Yes. It is Safe. In a 1980 study done by the German Medical Society for Ozone Therapy, 644 therapists were polled regarding their 384,775 patients, comprising a total of 5,579,238 ozone treatments administered. There were only 40 cases of side effects noted out of this number that represents an incredibly low rate of 0.000007%. Ozone has thus proven to be one of the safest medical therapies.
  Q11: Where in the world is Ozone therapy practiced?
A11: Medical Ozone therapy is recognized in Germany, France, Israel, Italy, Bulgaria, Cuba, Czech Republic, Mexico, Rumania and Russia. It is currently used legally in 16 Nations. Eleven states in the USA have passed legislation so that a person can access Ozone Therapy.
  Q12: Do I need to be sick to use ozone?
A12: You don't need to be sick in the normal sense to use ozone. It is actually best to use it as a preventative measure. Because we are all literally oxygen starved, (during the evolution of the human body there was 38% oxygen in the atmosphere, now there is only 17% and sometimes only 11% in polluted cities), the average person never really gets enough oxygen to properly saturate their healthy cells and to rid the body of toxins. In other words we are all suffering from hypoxia. Therefore it is wise in today's world, to take periodic Ozone baths or other forms of bio-oxidative treatments to maintain a healthy level of oxygenation and to rid the body of pools of waste which could otherwise lead to cancer or other degenerative disease.
  Q13: Can I use vitamins and ozone simultaneously?
A13: This is an important question, which is often misunderstood by physicians as well as alternative therapists. It is fine to give most vitamins and minerals along with ozone therapy with the exception of the antioxidants, such as vitamin C, E, beta carotene and selenium. If given simultaneously with ozone, they block the benefits of ozone since one of the benefits of ozone therapy's work is to oxidize toxins. In other words, ozone and antioxidants are opposites and effectively neutralize each other. Essentially, you only need to avoid antioxidants on the same day you receive ozone therapy.
  Q14: Should I be on a special diet when I receive ozone therapy?
A14: It is good to accompany ozone therapy with a special detoxification diet. Foods should be selected that are low in sugar, salt, and denatured oils. Also, a balance of proper proteins, carbohydrates and minerals should be present along with fiber to clean out the bowels. Plenty of raw food such as fresh salads and fruit provide a natural source of H2O2 to help further oxygenate the body. Barry and Bennett's book The 7-Day Detox Diet and Ann Louise Gittleman's Fast-Track One-Day Detox-Diet are excellent resources for a special detox diet to accompany ozone therapy. Also, avoid all anti-oxidants during the days that you receive ozone. If you simply want to detoxify with ozone or you need to address a particular illness, the need for a healthy diet in today's world cannot be over emphasized. In the early part of the 20th century Max Gerson successfully treated thousands of tuberculosis and cancer patients with a raw food diet. I have successfully healed three tumors of my own with this therapy. It has been shown that the raw live enzymes in living plants are essential in returning health to an otherwise diseased body. Dogs and other animals instinctively eat grass when they are ill. Similarly, raw vegetables and fruits help humans to recuperate and detox.
  Q15: If too much ozone is introduced into the patient's body, what are the effects or consequences?
A15: It is virtually impossible to give too much ozone, because once the body is saturated (see above) the person receiving ozone will begin to cough, which is the signal that the body has had enough so the infusion is automatically stopped. In other words, die body lets you know when you have had enough. The coughing sensation in the lungs is due to the oxidizing effect that ozone has on the pollution that is breathed in with the air. This is why ozone is never applied directly to the lungs, except in cases of asthma where it is sometimes bubbled through certain liquids.

  As mentioned earlier, if none of the above satisfies your queries, kindly click here for a list of participating doctors or contact us

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